Embryonic loss rates similar for in vitro fertilization with

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Embryonic loss rates similar for in vitro fertilization with

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Embryonic loss rates similar for in vitro fertilization with or without ICSI

Last Updated: 2005-01-05

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The spontaneous embryonic loss rates for in vitro fertilization (IVF) with or without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are comparable, according to a report in the December issue of Fertility and Sterility.

The findings are based on a study of 543 women who underwent conventional IVF and 419 who underwent IVF with ICSI at a public clinic in Italy. Embryo loss was determined by subtracting the number of ultrasound-detected embryos with a positive heartbeat during the second trimester from the number detected during the first.

In addition to looking at the effect of IVF type on embryonic loss, Dr. Isaac Blickstein, from the Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot, Israel, and colleagues evaluated the association with initial embryo number and maternal age.

The early loss rates of quadruplets, triplets, twins, and singletons after each procedure were similar. The highest rate -- 33.3% -- was for triplets with conventional IVF, whereas the lowest rate -- 18.6% -- was for twins with IVF plus ICSI.

Older women (at least 35 years of age) who underwent conventional IVF experienced higher loss rates than their younger peers, largely due to a significantly higher rate of embryonic loss among twin pregnancies. In contrast, this finding was not seen among women treated with IVF plus ICSI.

"Our observations suggest that there is no difference between loss and/or survival rates of multiple gestations after conventional IVF or ICSI," the authors conclude. "Other factors, such as embryo quality or uterine environment, might be involved in the outcome of assisted reproductive technology multiple pregnancies."

Source : Fertil Steril 2004;82:1536-1539.
Beiträge: 13586
Registriert: 10 Jan 2002 01:00

Beitrag von rebella67 »

Diese Erkenntnisse decken sich mit den im Deutschen IVF Register dokumentierten Ergebnissen (www.deutsches-ivf-register.de). Und hier wurden nicht nur ca. 1.000 Schwangerschaften verglichen, sondern jährlich weit mehr als zehntausend. Dazu bräuchte es eigentlich keiner speziellen Studie.
Liebe Grüße, Rebella

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